Banking Out The Myths Webinar Specially For Parents

Registration is now OPEN!  

Banking and Finance is a popular career choice amongst Malaysians which means there's a high chance your child may pursue this field of work!

As a parent, it can be worrisome if your child picks a career that you're unfamiliar with - you can't offer much valuable advice in order to help them make the best career decisions.

With Maybank, we're here to expand your knowledge in the Banking and Finance industry and clear some common misconceptions about this line of work.

Our Banking Out The Myths webinar is specially made for parents...

...but if you're a student or fresh graduate interested in learning more about banking and finance, feel free to join us!

Register here:

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Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

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Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat - Sun : CLOSED