Student Counselling & Psychology Unit offers free counselling services to students in accordance to the Counsellor Code of Ethics by Malaysia Board of Counsellor. Counselling sessions are conducted by registered counsellors to assist clients to cope with their issues and to improve their personal well-being. In addition to counselling sessions, other services include guidance and consultation sessions, administration of psychological tests and through the implementation of psychological development and counselling programs.
  1. Counselling Session Service
Counselling sessions are conducted both individually and in group mode.  
- Volunteer- (set appointment through Counselling2u system)
- Refer - (Refer via counseling2u system and manual)-Prosedur Merujuk Pelajar di Counselling2U
- Walk in (Register at counter)

  1. Guidance & Consultation Services
Guidance and consulting services are processes that are based on a common ground of mutual trust and open communication, a common approach to identifying problems, gathering personal resources to identify and selecting strategies to solve identified problems, and shared responsibilities of program implementation and evaluation.

  1. Administration of Psychological Test (Student)
Counselling unit provides psychological inventory services for students to explore and knowing themselves better either by volunteer or referred by the faculty/ department. The service is carried out in two ways, both individually and in group.

  1. Self- Development Programme
Self-development programs are programs designed to increase self-awareness and skills to enable individuals to manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours and then use their full potential to achieve excellence in student life.
     a. Rakan Kaunselor 

    comprises a group of students trained in Basic Counselling Skills and acts as a counsellor buddy for students in need. The Objectives of the Rakan Kaunselor Programme :
  1. Provide a form of counselling service, encouragement and support to students.
  2. To provide a team of Rakan Kaunselor who will be the liaison between the student and the counsellor.
  3. Enjoy a culture of helping among UiTM students.
    b. Mental Health Programme
    Apart from the psychological counselling services to students to enhance their well-being, Counselling Unit also carry out various activities to enhance students' awareness and understanding of mental health through a programmed called Let's Talk "WE CARE FOR YOU." The activities are aimed at raising awareness for students to obtain accurate information and to understand the importance of knowledge on mental health issues as well as the role they can play in supporting and assisting in mitigating risks associated with mental health.
   c. Basic Counselling Skill Programme
   The programme aims to introduce participants to the basic concepts of guidance and counselling. The program will also discuss basic counselling skills that can be applied to participants' daily lives. Each topic will be conceptually discussed and followed by practical skills training and group simulation.

   d. Counselling Clinic or Therapy
   The Counselling Clinic or Therapy program is a programme provided by Counselling Unit to help students deal with a variety of issues in life, including issues such as adaptation, time management, communication, self-management, learning issues, attitude and personality issues, self-confidence and mental health issues. This session will be conducted by register and professional counsellor.

   e. Counselling Outreach Program
   The Counselling Outreach Programme is developed to give awareness to students on the counselling service provided for them. This programme aims to promote counselling services to UiTM students in the Faculty, Residential College and to Non-resident students. A variety of interesting activities are available such as, psychological tests, quiz activities and fun games as well as information sharing and promotion activities to be conducted by the Career & Counselling Centre in addition to encouraging students to sign up for the counseling2u system.
  1. Distribution of Counselling Information
The dissemination of information is provided in three simple, concise and easy-to-understand mediums. The medium is named as Salam KaunselorMinda Kaunseling, posters and counsellor programme Information.
     a. Salam Kaunselor
    Salam Kaunselor is a medium used by Shah Alam UiTM Counsellor to deliver information likes articles that provide guidance to students and staff. For example, the “Guide to Managing Stress Wisely”, “A Happy Life Guide” and “The Effects of the Covid-19 Crisis on Human Psychology”.

     b. Minda Kaunseling
    Minda Kaunseling is a medium used to inform students, staff and outsiders about programmes organized by Counselling Unit.

    c. Poster and Counselling Program Information
    Through this medium, posters were uploaded for the purpose of promoting and announcing programs to be run by Career and Counselling Centre as well as Career and Counselling Unit at branch campuses.

Our Office

Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Website Inquiry: Webmaster:


Student Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 2379

Staff Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 3598

Administration : 03 - 5544 3213 / 2630

Student Career Counselling Services  - 03 - 5544 3211

Fax: 603 - 5544 3493

Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat - Sun : CLOSED