Staff Counselling & Psychology Unit provides Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) staff with counselling and psychological services. The aim of the Psychology Unit is to assist UiTM staff achieve psychological well-being, improve interpersonal skills and encourage positive self-change thus contribute to the improvement of performance and productivity. The main services provided are counseling sessions, administration of psychological tests, training programmes, outreach programmes and also assisting in the implementation of Exit Policy in UiTM.
- Counseling Sessions (Volunteer/Referred)
Individual counseling services for voluntary and referred UiTM staffs.
- Consultation
Provide guidance and consultation services to the client to provide clients with the necessary information, guidance and skills.
- Support Groups
The 'Support Group Project' provides support and encouragement to increase staff’s awareness of psychological well-being and work performance in targeted small group.
- Administration of Psychological Testing
Administration and interpretation of various types of psychological testing tools.
- Rakan Pembimbing Perkhidmatan Awam (AKRAB) (BUKU GARIS PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN AKRAB 1.0 2023 )
A programme designed to train qualified support system among colleagues.
- Outreach Program
Through Santai Pagi Bersama Kaunselor (SPARK) programme to the staff at their respective department, the counsellors reach out to the staff and provide information on psychological well-being.
- Exit Policy Screening and Observation Programme
Assist UiTM in implementing Exit Policy Screening and Observation Program.
- Counseling Psychology Specialist Services
Is a guidance/talk programmes conducted in mass group to increase staff’s awareness and knowledge on psychological well-being. (Psychological Wellness & Intervention Programme)
- Counsellor Professionalism Enhancement Program / Case Conference / Knowledge Sharing Program
Training programs for psychology officers to enhance their competency in providing the best services to the university.
- Counsellor Best Practice Programme
A visit to other organizations which provide psychological counseling services to learn best practices in their organizations.
- Writing and Publication of Psychological Materials
Writing and Publication of psychology/counselling information and activities carried out with UiTM staff.