30 minutes with Counsellor: Dear MySelf Siri 4/2023

Assalamualaikum wbt dan Selamat Sejahtera,

Unit Kerjaya & Kaunseling UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Perdana akan mengadakan program 30 minutes with Counsellor: Dear MySelf  Siri 4/ 2023 dengan tajuk  The One I Feed seperti maklumat:-

Tarikh: 26 Jun 2023
Hari: Isnin 
Masa: 10.30  pagi
Platform: IG Live @peerspuncakperdana_ ( https://www.instagram.com/peerspuncakperdana_/?hl=en )

📌Untuk sebarang pertanyaan, boleh hubungi:-
https://wa.me/message/X65XBQCRXWWHP1 atau https://wa.me/qr/GEL7YDKQEMW3N1


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Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Website Inquiry: Webmaster: pkk@uitm.edu.my


Student Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 2379

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Student Career Counselling Services  - 03 - 5544 3211

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Sat - Sun : CLOSED