BDO MYASEAN Internship Programme to Cambodia (in collaboration with Talentcorp Malaysia)


📢 Calling all Malaysian students!

The BDO MY ASEAN Internship Programme (in collaboration with Talentcorp Malaysia) to BDO in Cambodia has returned.

17 Malaysian university students had the opportunity to work and travel in our BDO Cambodia office since 2015 and now you can to!

Interested? Applications are open for Y2023 now! Hurry as registration closes 14 April 2023.

Our Office

Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Website Inquiry: Webmaster:


Student Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 2379

Staff Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 3598

Administration : 03 - 5544 3213 / 2630

Student Career Counselling Services  - 03 - 5544 3211

Fax: 603 - 5544 3493

Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat - Sun : CLOSEDÂ