The M100 Survey 2022 is LIVE!

🔥 The M100 Survey 2022 has officially started! 💯

Hey students and graduates! The Malaysia's 100 Leading Graduate Employers Survey 2022 is here! We're giving YOU the power to nominate your favourite employer of the year 👏🏼

✅ What is M100? The Malaysia's 100 Leading Graduate Employers ranking is 100% formed by student votes from universities across the country, as gathered via the annual M100 Survey. It is the largest and longest-running study on graduate recruitment trends in Malaysia! At the end of the year, the leading graduate employers of the nation (as voted by you!) come together at the M100 Awards to celebrate the results of the M100 Survey.

✅ Why should I vote? Simple! By voting, you are sharing with us and the graduate recruiters in Malaysia about the wants and needs of your first job. Especially with the pandemic going on, voicing out about what matters to you in your career has never been more important! Also, by voting, you're supporting your favourite employer in creating a meaningful journey for students and graduates out there.

🔥 YOUR VOTE COUNTS! Head over to 👉🏼, scan the QR code or click the link in our bio for the M100 Survey 2022 ✨

#M100Survey #M100Survey2022 #2022 #gradmalaysia #graduate #trends #M100Awards #M100 #career #student #votenow #youmatter #covid #kitajagakita

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