TalentCorp Emotional-Hack Webinar "How to Find the Courage To Do Anything"

Dear Students/Alumni/Interns & Job Seekers,

Present to you the Week 2 of Emotional Hack (e-Hack) Virtual Webinars (e-Hack) speakers line-up and it is now open for registration. We hope we can continue to keep YOU going and also supporting YOU during these challenging times.

Are you ready for the Week 2 of Emotional Hack Virtual Webinars? Check out what's happening in e-Hack Week 2:

  • Session 8 – the FINALE: If you want to know how can you find the courage to jump without any certainty or guarantee, join Ms June Yap and Mr Johan Amilin for a live webinar on "How to Find the Courage To Do Anything" for useful tips and motivation.

It is FREE!! Secure your seat NOW: https://talentcorp.my/e-Hack2021

You can also reach out to our team for further details:

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
  • Ikhram Shafri / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Get your FREE ticket, spread the word, and we will see you real soon!

Our Office

Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Website Inquiry: Webmaster: pkk@uitm.edu.my


Student Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 2379

Staff Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 3598

Administration : 03 - 5544 3213 / 2630

Student Career Counselling Services  - 03 - 5544 3211

Fax: 603 - 5544 3493

Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat - Sun : CLOSED