#KisahSiswa: Lock & Load - Graduate Employability Webinars "Kuiz Resume: Tingkatkan Kualiti Resume Anda"

Dear Students/Alumni/Internship & Job Seekers,

Are you feeling pumped for the second week of the #KisahSiswa: Lock & Load Employability Webinars? Be prepared to be loaded with insightful sessions that will be happening from 14th - 18th June 2021! Here's what we have for you throughout the week:

Day 4:  Level-up your resume QC! In this session, Career Cube speaker, Sir Nik Akmal will be sharing some tips on how you can improve your resume with "Kuiz Resume: Tingkatkan Kualiti Resume Anda". 

Again, mark your calendars and we looking forward to "see" you! Click here for FREE registration of the 2nd week of #KisahSiswa : Lock & Load - http://talentcorp.my/LockandLoad-Registration or scan the QR Code.

Our Office

Psychology & Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Department
Level 5, Budisiswa Complex
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam

Website Inquiry: Webmaster: pkk@uitm.edu.my


Student Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 2379

Staff Counselling & Psychological Services - 03 - 5544 3598

Administration : 03 - 5544 3213 / 2630

Student Career Counselling Services  - 03 - 5544 3211

Fax: 603 - 5544 3493

Mon - Fri : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat - Sun : CLOSED