Networking Masterclass for Students

Calling All Students!

As students, we've all heard how important networking is in the working world – it's the key to unlocking exciting opportunities 🌟

But let's be honest, where do we even start? 🥹

Join us for an interactive 2-hour Networking Masterclass where we'll equip you with the confidence and techniques needed to navigate networking events and stand out among others!

🗓️ 18th Sep 2023 (Monday)
🕒 3pm - 5pm
📍 (Physical) Cradle Fund @ Sunway Putra Tower - limited 40pax
💻 (Online Webinar) - limited 100pax

What you'll learn:
🚀 Conquer your fears & boost your self-confidence
🎙️ Craft an elevator pitch that makes a lasting impression
🤝 Discover simple strategies for kickstarting conversations & making valuable connections

It's time to step out of your comfort zone and get ready for the working world!

Participation is FREE. Register here:

Any questions? Whatsapp us at +6011-54141327 😊

Thank you!