Certified Cybersecurity Engineer-Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera-APU

Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera is offering funding opportunity for final year Degree students to pursue one of the certification listed below. The training for each certification will be conducted fully online on a part-time basis for about 2-3 months, after class/working hours. This programme aims to increase the number of Bumiputera students with industry certification in Technology. The programme will be fully-funded by Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera.

Certified Cybersecurity Engineer
This certification programme will delve into the basic of Cybersecurity along with hands-on-labs. You will gain an insight into hacking technologies and tools. The course covers the foundation of hacking technologies. It will look at Web application attacks, Trojans and Malware, Denial of Service, Firewalls, hacking into cloud, etc.
Certification received : Rocheston New York, APU
Modules covered : a) RCCE (Rocheston Certified Cybersecurity Engineer) Level 1
b) RCCE Level 2

Eligibility and requirements:
1. Bumiputera;
2. Aged between 21 to 25 years old;
3. Bachelor Degree final year students in Information Technology, Computer Science, Multimedia, Software Engineering or other Technology related courses at any recognized institutions of higher learning in Malaysia;
4. Minimum of current CGPA 2.50;
5. Owns a computer/laptop and have stable internet access.