Finance Boardgame Tournament (Codename)-Monsta Asia

Anyone starting to read financial news needs a quick primer on common terms. The field of finance can be complex with financial terms ranging from economics, accounting, and investment. However, learning common financial terms can help you understand economic concepts, help you make financial decisions and apply them to your life.

To deepen your understanding in business reading, we have prepared a Finance Boardgame Tournament using Codename with financial terms that are commonly found in market news. Come join us, the more you learn, the more you earn!

Anyone who is interested in learning finance-related knowledge and playing board games is welcome. It doesn’t matter if you are heavily experienced or just starting out, we welcome anyone that is interested in trading—individuals who enjoy connecting with people.

In these two hours, We will share with you on the following topics:

Introduction to TED Optimus
Investment Topic: Fundamental Analysis (30 minutes)
Finance board game tournament using the codename

Target: 100 pax

Campaign Date: 30/07/2022 Saturday

Time: 14:30 PM - 16:30 PM

Registration Link: